Sunday, March 29, 2009

Coming in April to Nuts4Digi

Coming in April to Nuts4Digi



12 Designers/12 Kits

Like to sample the delights of our designers?

Each week, commencing April 2nd, N4D will feature two designers and you will have the opportunity to purchase their kits at a special designer promotion price.

Using the same colour swatch, each individual kit has been created to bring you a wonderful selection of goodies.

If you decide to purchase more than one kit it will be colour co-ordinated.

Kits will go on sale at $A3.50 ($2.50 USD) for a few days only before reverting to their regular store price of $A5.00 ($3.50 USD).

To see which kits will be released first you will need to visit the store on April 2nd!

© 2006-2009 Nuts4Digi. Member content and images © their respective owners

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

OLD and VERY OLD freebies desactivated ! / Vieux et très vieux freebies désactivés....

...mais c'est pour mieux les re-poster et vous en faire profiter, certains avaient des liens cassées, etc... donc ! il y en aura encore !

... but it's for post them back and better !! some had broken links, etc... there will be freebie !

You could find my two first kits !! LOL !! when I see them ROFL !! But when I think, I see now some kits that are not so good !! LOL !!
They are still on Scrapbook-Bytes, they are my FREEBIE for today !

Vous pouvez toujours télécharger mes 2 premiers kits sur Scrapbook-Bytes (lien au dessus), quand je les revois, je me marre... mais bon, finalement, je vois encore maintenant, des kits qui ne sont pas aussi bons !! LOL !!

Enjoy them as I enjoy creating them, but I wasn't "at point", there is drop shadow, I think...
Profitez-en, je me souviens avoir eu beaucoup de plaisir à les créer, mais je n'étais pas encore au point, il doit y avoir les ombres portées si je me souviens bien....

PS : j'ai refait la page d'accueil de mon site perso, vite fait sur le gaz hier soir, allez y jeter un oeil...
I redo my personal site home page yesterday evening, quickely... go to see it...

Monday, March 16, 2009


I 've been ask for converting my Alu Hardware in CU stuff, sio I could announce that the ALU BUNDLE is yet for CU @ $10.00 !! the whole Bundle for only $10 !!

If you are interested, go to see my store by clicking image :

The other good new is that I create a little freebie for St Paddy's day !!

You could download it HERE !
Enjoy !!.. you could let me comments too... it's appreciated !! LOL !


Saturday, March 07, 2009


About McKenna's Struggle

McKenna was born on January 12, 2008 a happy, healthy baby. Now one year old, you might not notice the small scar on her upper lip, but when she gives you one of her ear to ear grins, you'll discover the huge hole in the roof of her mouth. You see, McKenna was born with a cleft lip and cleft palate.

McKenna has already undergone a number of procedures, including wearing an uncomfortable contraption called a latham appliance in order to bring her upper palate close enough to sew together her lip.

But her trials do not end there. McKenna still has several surgeries to go through to repair the gap in the roof of her mouth and dental reconstruction and then years of speech therapy to help her speak normally.

McKenna's parents, already struggling with lost jobs, expensive health care and the burden of childcare, are facing mounting medical bills with no end in sight.

In her short life, McKenna has already experienced more discomfort and pain than most of us will in a lifetime, but that doesn't stop her from being the most smiley baby you'll ever meet.

So if you would like to help McKenna and her family, please purchase our "Hope for McKenna" charity kit. All proceeds will go directly to the family to help with medical bills. If you are not a digital scrapbooker, but would still like to help, you can click the donate button below.

A Mother's Love

To purchase A Mother's Love, visit the shop at Scrap Outside the Box. For a limited time, A Mother's Love is $2 off plus get four free quick pages with your purchase.